Hearing aids have turned my life around!
“I went to a party recently and could hear conversations that I never would have been able to with my previous hearing aids,”said Anne Gibbons. “I’m so happy that I saw Brad’s ad in the newspaper because hearing well with new hearing aids has turned my life around.”
“My story isn’t too different from most people with hearing loss. At 64, I had my first pair of hearing aids fitted, even though at 50 I knew my hearing wasn’t good. I had stayed in denial for a long time. The aids were very uncomfortable and felt like cardboard in my ears, so they spent most of their lives in the drawer while I continued to mishear people, the TV, and I couldn’t sit and watch a movie because I still couldn’t hear the dialogue. In spite of many return visits to get the aids to work, nothing changed and I was really anxious about my hearing. I was also working in a high-performance position that required sharp hearing for taking shorthand dictation – things got difficult and I felt the need to leave my job because I was mishearing words, and it was quite a tough time for me,” Anne said.
"I want to thank everyone at Brad Hutchinson Hearing for giving me back my sanity and enabling me to enjoy full communication with people again."
“If you’ve been disappointed before with hearing aids, it takes some courage to book an appointment that could be wasting everyone’s time. But Brad’s ad in the newspaper was very attractive with the offer of two weeks’ free trial. What a different experience it was, with Brad’s whole professional team making the experience even pleasurable. The rest is history. I can now hear the frogs in our pond from inside the house; I watch TV at half the volume I needed before, and this is a laugh because it isn’t loud enough for my husband. He used to comment that the neighbours didn’t need their own TVs because they could listen to ours,” said Anne.
“I can truly say that I now rely completely on my aids for socializing and day-to-day living, and I want to thank everyone at Brad Hutchinson Hearing for giving me back my sanity and enabling me to enjoy full communication with people again,” Anne commented.
“Brad uses the latest and greatest equipment for testing and fitting hearing aids, and with the quality treatment on offer, a great outcome was achieved for me.”
Anne Gibbons